Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cowboys & Samurai

This is a snippit of my contribution to the show at Ronin Gallery in L.A. The spot is run by Peekaboo Monster from the PFOM Crew and the lineup for this grand opening show is bonkers. If your in L.A. swing by on the 27th of February...it's bound to be crazy times.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Circus Needs You.

Here are some new shots of the other piece just finished for the circus themed show in Atlanta at the Alcove Gallery. The show will be on March 6th so if you are in the area, hit it up because it looks like a amazing gallery. You can see the preliminary sketch for the new piece a few posts down...if that sort of thing interests you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

new work & things for stuff.

some sneaks of the new direction. This stuff will be popping up in shows listed a few posts down.

daily sketches.

I have decided to sketch in my moleskin daily in order to strengthen my drawing skills and develop my characters further. The end result being a fully finished, semi-detailed drawing for each day. Here is drawings for Tuesday & Wednesday.