Friday, May 15, 2009

New things and thoughts.

Alright, so the above image is a sneak at a project that I am working on. I am pretty stoked on it and I can't wait until I get to unveil more about it...pretty cool least I think so.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I hate technology. Unless it is a vector based program, I generally hate it. I am directing this post at Twitter and Facebook and all these other pages and sources that allow total strangers to know what you are doing at every waking moment of you life. I don't have a Facebook, I signed up for Twitter a year ago and never use it just because I don't think that many people are interested in my daily meetings, thoughts or what I ate for dinner. Eventually, I will have to use these because so many galleries that I am interested in use them and are deleting their Myspace page. For the time being, I am prolonging the inevitable. I would still write letters if it was socially acceptable.

"There is no God, there is no Heaven, only time on earth, who we meet and what we accomplish."

Listen to Gallows.

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